Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Sweet Home, ALexandria

After a five-day excursion, two days of which were spent in the car, the burgeoning Ellis family returned home late Tuesday night to their beloved home on the hill (Quaker Hill). Everyone had fun while in Ann Arbor. Max played with Keely and (mostly) Keely's toys. Abram played with Shawn and (mostly) Shawn's Wii. And Kristin played Rook with Lisa and the men (when they weren't busy playing Wii). Even little V would sit in the same room as Benjamin and they would cry together.

For more highlights of the trip, we suggest visiting Shawn and Lisa's blog, where supposedly Lisa will post a list of our weekend's adventures. But for pictures, see attached.

Picture descriptions
Max at Keely's birthday party -- held at a local inflatable circus -- with Keely proving she can cry at her party in the background. Max was absolutely in heaven, especially since the inflatable devices could hold Daddy's weight. And for once, Abram wasn't the sweatiest person at the party.

Keely holding Baby Aviva -- Keely ADORED V and held her, caressed her, and kissed her at every possibly moment. Keely must see a princess-adoring little girl underneath all that pink.

Max sleeping in the car on the way home -- whenever he sleeps in his car seat, this is his pose. Not sure where he learned it ...

Max in his new Michigan gear -- Apparently Max is the only unaware that Michigan is having a poor football season. No matter, Max is making up for with style.


Lisa said...

That's a great pic of Max, what a stud! Hey, will you send me that one pic of Keely and Aviva? I'll send you mine if you'll send me yours! : )

Melanie said...

Let me just say I am utterly impressed you guys undertook a two day road trip with a new baby and toddler. Kudos. As if I can't emphasize enough, you are much better parents than I am...cute pics, also.

Delsa said...

What in the world is Shawn's wii. Have I been gone that long. Don't tell me it's a new x-box!!!
What adorable pictures. Is there a way I can download them on my computer so they will come up on my screen saver?