Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Don't Judge Me

But I sort of wish I hadn't.  First of all, we took Vivi and Max to the doctor last night at 6:50 (bedtime) and Max has and ear infection and bronchitis.  So we all went to bed late and got up early.  I'm also not feeling well and it was about all I could do to shower, leave my hair soaking wet and slip on some sweat pants.  Max and Aviva didn't even make it out of their pajamas, and I really don't want to admit this, but neither of us thought to change their diapers before we went.  (This is where the title of this post comes in).

So we go to the polls, me in my sweats and wet hair, Max with dried snot all over his face, dry static hair, medicine stains on his pajama top, and slippers on his feet.  At this point he has also started reek of pee.  I wanted to throw up.  Oh, and every few minutes he would burst into a coughing fit.  Nice.  We wait in line for 40 minutes to find out we are at the wrong place.  We are supposed to be next door.  So we go wait for 20 more minutes and of course run into an acquaintance who may no longer count us among his friends.  So we may not have been a pretty sight (well, Abram was a pretty sight, he was ready for work, but his rating has got to go down with three vagabonds at his side), but dad gum it, we voted. 


xóchitl said...

i'm judging you. i think that is entirely more impressive than if things had gone perfectly. you freakin voted. plus kids should always accompany parents to the polls. but perhaps with a little more discretion than marin during the last presidential election. she was still learning to read and did so out lout while i voted. i'm over it, i'm not ashamed. even in predominantly republican san diego.
p.s. why do we always live in the red? utah, orange county, san diego, now texas? what the heck!?!

Shauri said...

Even though I'm sure you voted for Obama and would have regardless, don't you think it's pretty lame that you didn't even get the opportunity to vote for Romney? I mean that the decison gets made before it even gets to your state? Lame.

EFN Newsletter said...

It is lame. I think everyone should hold their primary on the same day. And I don't think Republicans should do the whole winner takes all thing. I like that my vote for Obama means something, even if he doesn't win all of VA. And lastly, I hate that the Democrats have super delegates. What a joke. Why should an insider get more say over who wins than the American people? And that's my essay by Kristin Quinn.

Delsa said...

Didn't Abram take the camcorder to let people know how important voting was to you?

Brady & Sherry Jones said...

wow, that is civic duty at its finest.

amy said...

i'm impressed. you go, mom.

i agree about having the primaries on one day. this mania is nonsense and it created disequilibrium among the states.

you could have voted for romney, anyway, incidentally. my dad did.

Sandy said...

Gotta love a sagging to the knees diaper full of pee! That was Connor this morning...it was so low that his crack was showing...classy!! I got the velcro straight jacket at Babies R Us. Totally worth the investment. I'm about to go get the next size up b/c she's getting to big for her first one.

KA said...

A velcro straight jacket? Am I missing something here?

EFN Newsletter said...

lol, see Sandy's blog: http://thebosworthfamily.blogspot.com/

Lisa said...

I wish you would have had your camera! Oh, and coming from a small town Utah girl where we actually say "dad gum it," it's dadgummit! : )